QSL card design
This page was last updated : 06-Jan-25 12:14:20
A while ago I though is would be to design me a real QSL card which I could print at home on a color laser or even let it print a professional off-set shop. To get inspiration I took a good look at various designs found on internet QSLCard galleries and also some real-life examples from fellow OM's. With these cards and designs in mind I stand behind the drawing board*
After an initial design and some legitimate comments from my ex-partner/best girlfriend Eva (many thanks and xxx), we worked together and came up to the following design. The dimensions are 14 x 9 cm which is pretty much the standard for a QSLCard design.
The photo is a digital infrared photo made with a Nikon D50 with a Hoya Infrared R72 filter (more info about digital IR)
* At the time of design I had a real full-size A0 drawing board standing in my living room. When me and my girlfriend split up, she needed a easel for making her paintings and we moved the drawing board to her new apartment and until today she is using it.
Update 10 mrt 2014 :
After waiting a few weeks for the finals, today the postman delivered the batch QSL cards printed by CoolQSL.Com. Just have to say outstanding print work and the lamination for the glossy front side is super strong (made some writing error on a card to be send and almost couldn't tear it in halve).
Another update 10 mrt 2014 :
After writing a few card I found out that I made a classic Dyslexic error in the front design. The locator was spelled JO32MI where it should have been JO32HI . Damn shame but hey that's life :-)
Another update 12 jul 2022 :
Although I like to build stuff instead of just making QSO's, my stock of QSL cards getting low. So it's time to think about a new design.
Where the previous design is pointed to my QTH, it now will be pointing to my various projects.
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